Madison's Online Presence Keeps Residents Informed and Engaged

Michael Pellessier, the communications & technology coordinator of Madison, New Jersey Madison residents wondering about road closures or the leaf pickup schedule may be just as likely these days to message the borough on Facebook as to call borough offices. Madison is using social media, a user-friendly website, and alert systems to improve residents' access to information about the community.

NJ Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver Addresses Mini-MPA Class

We welcomed Lieutenant Governor, Sheila Oliver to the Lifelong Learning Center! She shared not only her experience working in the political field but also how significant the relationship between the state and Rutgers is in working with local governments. Lt Governor Sheila Oliver was at the new Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) to address the Rutgers Mini-MPA class. Addressing the students, the Lt. Governor encouraged the mid-career professionals in the audience to continue their work on behalf of citizens.

Rutgers Panel at NJLM 2019 - Tuesday the 19th 3:45

Planning to attend the NJ State League of Municipalities Conference? Please join Rutgers CGS and NJMAA Board members on Tuesday afternoon: "Perceptions of Public Employees: Fire them? Hire them?" Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Time: 3:45 – 5:15 p.m. Room 405/406. A 2019 survey of managers and mayors in New Jersey confirms a common belief that citizens may not trust and love our employees. However, the findings of the survey contain more insight on how managers believe we can impact the positively impact those views. If we are going to attract new employees, we need to discuss how.

Why Continuing Education Is Important. 4 Beneficial Trends

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, ‘continuing education?’ Do you think about earning continuing education credits towards certification? Or do you think about a day away from the office to connect with colleagues and learn something new? It may be one or both of these things — or it may be something completely different. Actually, if you have been in the workforce for a long time, you may not think that continuing education is important at all anymore. But it is!