Jewel Thompson-Chin is an experienced organizational leader who worked in the public sector for more than 30 years. She began her public management career in the City of Newark in planning and development before becoming Director of Community Development in Paterson. She held business administrator and municipal manager positions in Irvington, Plainfield, and Orange before coming to Tenafly as the Borough Administrator in 2010. In her various roles, she provided leadership in significant projects including a renovated Police Department, a new Public Works Building, and instituting quality of life initiatives for the Borough of Tenafly. She has a multifaceted background in planning, project management, human resources and finance, all of which are vital to supervising municipal operations. Her experience was instrumental in developing strategies to control local property taxes and managing operations with fewer staff while maintaining a high level of municipal services.
In addition to her work in municipal government, Thompson-Chin worked in the private sector for ten years as a Senior Project Consultant on local and statewide transportation planning projects and as a Corporate Six Sigma Analyst for an international medical diagnostics company.
She is also active in professional development activities and served on the Executive Board of the New Jersey Municipal Management Association (NJMMA).
Jewel received her Masters of Business Administration from Rutgers University and her Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies from Douglass College. She has also received her Public Sector Labor Relations and Human Resources Administration Certificates from Rutgers University.
She retired from Tenafly in the fall of 2018 and now works part-time as a Municipal Management Consultant.